Iv'e been travelling into Manchester 2 or three evenings each week for the last month, Hospital visiting. Central Manchester is a very urban place and the grounds of the Hospital are no different. In fact there are 3 massive hospitals all connected and on the same site.
During evening visiting times there is a main road that has no parking restrictions which is useful. When I got out of the car on Friday I noticed something out of place, unexpected but beautiful, behind the works fencing... If you look closely at the centre of the above picture, you will see a flower.
I took the pictures tonight, unfortunately since Friday the rain has taken its toll on the petals. There is the first lesson I should have learnt, capture the moment when you first see it !
But the thought remains, life will triumph when it wants to, nature and creation will outdo the most impressive of man's constructions. Or as Alexander Pope expressed...
Hope Springs Eternal
Sometimes we need these little reminders.
Sometimes we could do with BIG reminders.
Sometimes we take pictures of life's flowers, knowing if we don't capture and share,
they will pass without note
Sometimes we just have to take things on faith.