As September approaches, so does my new church assignment.
The 14 - 18 year old youth at church have the option to take an early morning scripture study class, I have mention this before around in a post Easter Time.
Last year I occasionally taught this class as a substitute teacher, but I have now been given the role full time. This means I will be teaching a 50 minute class 5 mornings a week from 6:10am - 7:00am.
The course of study for the year is the Old Testament.
The challenge - to engage a class of 12, possibly 13 teenagers at ridiculous o'clock in the morning ! I have to say they are an excellent group. As they all attend our ward (church unit) I have known most of them since they were tiny and two of them are mine.
Here are 12 of them, taken last night at an introduction meeting we had for students and their parents. The purpose was to get them enthused to study a book that a lot of adults find dull and boring. As part of the presentation I made and showed a video with some "trailers" for classic stories..
Finally, with all the well wishes and concern expressed for my Mum, I have added a box on the right had column, that I will keep updated with her progress.