Thursday, 22 September 2011

Google +

If you know what the picture is, then you have already embarked on the adventure that Google have launched and are marketing as the Google + project.

It has been tested amongst an invited few (I wasn't one) for some time, but is now open to the great unwashed in beta format. 

So what is it, I here those that don't recognise the pictures ask. Well its is suggested to be the new Facebook, or better put it is yet another social network site. Free to use, part of the ever growing Google stable, which I suppose makes it an ideal complement to Blogger users ?

I signed up yesterday, a simple process which basically adds the service to your existing Google account. You will see I have also added a gadget to the top right sidebar so you can now find me on Google Plus. 

So what are those circles?  It would seem that the Unique Selling Point of Google+ is the ability to add people to specific circles. When you post a status update, you can choose which of your circle of friends can see it. If you post "I'm taking a sicky tomorrow, to go to the beach" you may choose to share this with the circles FAMILY and FRIENDS but not the circle WORK ! 

There is also the facility to "hangout" with friends which is a video conferencing function.

Two days in and I sense it is a hybrid of Facebook, Twitter and Skype ! I have a lot to learn and maybe the next time I post about Google+ I will either love it or hate it. Its hard to tell at the moment as I only have 3 friends on there !! Feel free to add me to a circle !

Interestingly although Facebook set the minimum user age of 13, Google + have chosen to set the opening age at 18, perhaps they see it as a more adult version of their competition?

Which all leave's just one good question that my brother in law posed .....

"Do I really need another Social Network in my life?"

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