Twas the night before A-Z April, when all through the house
Not a keyboard was stirring, not even a mouse.
The Laptops were ready, the notebooks were there,
In hopes that our followers, would all come and share.....
Yes its A-Z Eve. 1400 bloggers plan to post every day but Sundays for the month of April basing posts on ascending letters of the alphabet. To quote something I read, but cant remember where (sorry)
"Blogging, never have so many said so much about so little"
Hand in hand with this hairy mammoth of a task, we will all be trying to read as many of the other bloggers posts as possible! We must be mad, under worked or just have to much time on our hands, else we just enjoy this form of expression know as BLOGS
Just to make you smile
Some people are like slinkies, not really good for much, but bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs
(modified from a post I made exactly one year ago)