As a 2011 participant I was really excited by the prospect of being involved in a bigger and better connected version of the challenge this year. I thought the inclusion of Twitter and a Facebook page was a great addition and this added to the enjoyment. I tried hard in March to ReTweet and promote the challenge via Twitter in general.
I did however feel that the increased number of participants diminished the experience for me. Perhaps my posts were not as good as last year but I found I had fewer visitors and comments than last time. This is probably to do with me not visiting as many blogs as I did previously. In 2011 I visited them all, this time I only managed about 600. My lower visit rate was due to three things, less time, being overwhelmed by the number and the similarity of so many.
On the last point of participant similarity, this time I was more selective of the blogs I have added to my following list, I wanted to follow those I would make an effort to revisit and interact with. If I am being honest I did find with so many authors blogging I tended to visit very briefly and move on. My preferred blog reading material is lifestyle/humour and general thoughts rather than writing and publishing tips.
Having said the negatives, I did enjoy the challenge and would like to offer a big thanks to the organisers for all the hard work and how often they were around. THANKS !!
So as a summary, here are my 26 posts